

Imkaan (October, 2024) The Home Office’s Flee and Future Fund: A Lifeline for Survivors of Domestic Abuse. VIEW

Imkaan (August, 2024) Urgent letter to the Prime Minister, in response to the recent far-right attacks across the UK. VIEW

Imkaan (August, 2024) Imkaan response to recent far-right attacks across the UK. VIEW

Imkaan (July, 2024) In Our Words - General Election manifesto 2024. VIEW

Imkaan (2021) The Comprehensive Spending Review and Funding for the Ending Violence Against Black and Minoritised Women and Girls Sector. VIEW

Imkaan (2021) Joint Principle for the VAWG Strategy 2021-2024. VIEW

Centre for Women’s Justice, the End Violence Against Women Coalition, Imkaan and Rape Crisis England and Wales (2020) The Decriminalisation of Rape: Why the justice system is failing rape survivors and what needs to change. VIEW

Baljit Banga & Sumanta Roy (2020) The Impact of the Dual Pandemics: Violence Against Women & Girls and COVID-19 on Black and Minoritised Women and Girls. London: Imkaan VIEW

Dr. Ravi Thiara, University of Warwick & Sumanta Roy, Imkaan (2020) Reclaiming Voice: Minoritised Women and Sexual Violence Key Findings (2020) VIEW

Imkaan (2019) Communicating about violence against women and girls (VAWG) - Good Practice Briefing. London: Ascent (London VAWG Consortium) VIEW

Imkaan (2018) From Survival to Sustainability VIEW

Imkaan (2018) Summary of the Alternative Bill: From the Margin to the Centre Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls VIEW

Imkaan & UN Women (2018). 'A thousand ways to solve our problems': An analysis of existing Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) approaches for minoritized women and girls in the Western Balkans and Turkey VIEW

Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis England and Wales (2017) Taking a Forward View on Women and Mental Health: Key Messages for Government. London: Women's Health and Equality Consortium VIEW

Imkaan (2017) uncivil partnerships? reflections on collaborative working in the ending violence against women and girls sector - Good Practice Briefing. London: Ascent (London VAWG Consortium) VIEW

Marai Larasi with Dorett Jones (2017) Tallawah: A briefing paper on black and 'minority ethnic' women and girls organising to end violence against us. London: Imkaan VIEW

Imkaan, Rape Crisis England & Wales, Respect, SafeLives, Women's Aid (2017) Sector Sustainability Shared Standards: Shared values that apply across the VAWG sector VIEW

Imkaan (2017) safe pathways? exploring an intersectional approach to addressing violence against women and girls - Good Practice Briefing. London: Ascent (London VAWG Consortium) VIEW

Imkaan and Rights of Women (2016) Strengthening responses to forced marriage and female genital mutilation Good Practice Briefing. London: Ascent (London VAWG Consortium) VIEW

Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis England and Wales (2016) Women's Mental Health and Wellbeing: Access to and quality of mental health services. London: Women's Health and Equality Consortium VIEW

Imkaan (2016) Capital Losses: The state of the BME ending violence against women and girls sector in London. London: Imkaan VIEW

Imkaan and Rights of Women (2016) Creating a Clear Pathway for Practice. London: Imkaan and Rights of Women. VIEW

Imkaan (2015) State of the Sector: Contextualising the current experiences of BME ending violence against women and girls organisations. An Executive Summary. London: Imkaan VIEW

Imkaan (2015) State of the Sector: Contextualising the current experiences of BME ending violence against women and girls organisations. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Imkaan and University of Warwick (SWELL) (2015) Between the Lines Research Briefing: Service Responses to Black and Minority Ethnic Women and Girls Experiencing Sexual Violence. London: Imkaan and University of Warwick. VIEW

Imkaan and Rights of Women (2014) This is not my destiny: Reflecting on responses to forced marriage in England and Wales. London: HM Government Forced Marriage Unit. VIEW

Imkaan (2014) Supporting Black and Minority Ethnic Women and Girls: 10 top things for commissioners of ending violence against women and girls services to consider Summary. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Imkaan (2014) Supporting Black and Minority Ethnic Women and Girls: 10 top things for commissioners of ending violence against women and girls services to consider Briefing. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis England and Wales (2014) 'I Am More Than One Thing': A guiding paper by Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis England and Wales on women and mental health. London: Women's Health and Equality Consortium. VIEW

Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis England and Wales (2014) 'I Am More Than One Thing': A guiding paper by Imkaan, Positively UK and Rape Crisis England and Wales on women and mental health Executive Summary. London: Women's Health and Equality Consortium. VIEW

Imkaan (2014) What does Imkaan mean by community engagement? - Good Practice Briefing. London: Ascent (London VAWG Consortium) VIEW

Imkaan and Women's Aid (2014) Successful Commissioning: a guide for commissioning services that support women and children survivors of violence. Bristol: Women's Aid. VIEW

Imkaan (2013) Beyond the Labels: Women and girls' views on the 2013 mayoral strategy on violence against women and girls. London: MOPAC. VIEW

Imkaan (2013) The Road to Sustainability - Summary findings: A review of Black, Minority Ethnic and Refugee (BMER) organisations working with women on health and gender-based violence. London: WHEC. VIEW

Imkaan (2012) Vital Statistics 2: Key findings report on Black, Minority Ethnic and Refugee Women's and Children's experiences of gender-based violence. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Imkaan, Equality Now and City University (2011) The Missing Link: a joined up approach to addressing harmful practices in London. London: Greater London Authority. VIEW

Imkaan (2010) Vital Statistics: The experiences of Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee women & children facing violence & abuse. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Imkaan (2008) A Right to Exist: A Paper Looking at the Eradication of Specialist Services to BAMER Women and Children Fleeing Violence. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Imkaan (2008) No Recourse - No Duty to Care? Experiences of BAMER Women and Children Affected by Domestic Violence and Insecure Immigration Status in the UK. London: Imkaan. VIEW

Policy Responses and Briefings

Joint Principles for the VAWG Strategy 2021-2024. VIEW

Imkaan (2013) Violence against black and minority women and girls in the UK: Imkaan briefing for Rashida Manjoo, UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, its causes and consequences. VIEW

Janet McDermott (2013) Aya Capacity Building Project First Year Report.

Imkaan's response to the NICE consultation on the Public Health Programme - domestic violence and abuse: identification and protection, draft guidance 26 September 2013.

Imkaan's response to the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) consultation on the second mayoral strategy on violence against women and girls 14 August 2013.

Don't teach me what to wear; Teach your sons not to rape. Notes of the open meeting in solidarity with India's anti-rape protests 24 January 2013. Organised by Imkaan and the South Asia Solidarity Group, and supported by the LSE Gender Institute.

Imkaan's response to the Department for Education consultation on Parental Internet Controls 6 September 2012.

Imkaan's response to the Social Security Advisory Committee call for evidence on Universal Credit and related regulations 27 July 2012.

Imkaan's statement in response to the recent government announcement on forced marriage 8 June 2012.

Forced Marriage: Myths and Realities 5 April 2012. VIEW

Imkaan response to the government's forced marriage consultation 30 March 2012.

External Contributions and Mentions

Marai Larasi (2015) interview for the Patricia Galvao Institute in Brazil on black feminist approaches to addressing violence against BME women and girls. VIEW

Ikamara Larasi (2013) Why do music videos portray black women as exotic sex objects? Article in The Guardian on 2 September 2013. VIEW

Camille Kumar (2013) From Resistance to a New Economy: what should feminist economic activism look like? Presented at the UK Feminista Summer School on 18 August 2013, Birmingham.

Marai Larasi (2013) So called 'Honour-Based' Violence. Presented at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, fifty-seventh session, 4 March - 15 March 2013, New York.

UN Commission on the Status of Women (2013) From Ideas to Action: Preventing Violence Against Women and Girls. Feed-back on the Expert Group Meeting on Preventing Violence against Women and Girls - Bangkok 2012 prepared by Marai Larasi for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, fifty-seventh session, 4 March - 15 March 2013, New York. VIEW

UN (2012) A Promise is a Promise: UN issues call to action to end violence against women. Marai Larasi presented at the event produced by the United Nations Secretary-General's campaign UNiTE to End Violence against Women. VIEW

Office of the Children's Commissioner (2012) 'I thought I was the only one. The only one in the world' The Office of the Children's Commissioner's Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation In Gangs and Groups: Interim Report. Imkaan's Executive Director Marai Larasi sits on the Inquiry Panel. VIEW

Women's Aid (2012) Safe: The Domestic Abuse Quarterly. Article on Vital Statistics 2, Imkaan's key findings report on BMER women's and children's experiences of gender-based violence.

UK Feminista (2012) End Violence Against Women and Girls. Campaign video featuring Marai Larasi MBE. VIEW

UN Women Virtual Knowledge Centre to End Violence Against Women and Girls (2012) Shelter Module: Women from diverse cultures - Imkaan case study on supporting BMER survivors. VIEW

UN Women (2012) Media as a Site to Prevent Violence against Girls and Women. Expert paper prepared by Marai Larasi for the Expert Group Meeting on prevention of violence against women and girls, 17 - 20 September 2012, Bangkok. VIEW

PICUM (2012) Strategies to End Double Violence Against Undocumented Women: Protecting Rights and Ensuring Justice. VIEW

UN Commission on the Status of Women (2012) A Different World is Possible. Expert paper prepared by Marai Larasi for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, fifty-sixth session, 27 February - 9 March 2012, New York. VIEW

Photo Credit: Marion A. Osieyo

Photo Credit: Marion A. Osieyo