Who we are
Imkaan is a UK-based, Black feminist organisation. We are the only national second tier ‘by and for’ women's organisation dedicated to addressing violence against Black and minoritised women and girls i.e. women and girls which are defined in UK policy terms as Black & ‘Minority Ethnic’ (BME).
The organisation has worked for over two decades on issues such as domestic violence, forced marriage and ‘honour-based’ violence. We work at local, national and international level, and in partnership with a range of organisations, to improve policy and practice responses to Black & minoritised women and girls.
The Imkaan team holds extensive expertise in working around the complexities of violence against women and girls. Our small, specialist team is made up of Black and minoritised women who have been frontline workers, service managers, counsellors, researchers, trainers, policy workers, development workers, and group-work facilitators.
Imkaan works with our members to represent the expertise and perspectives of frontline, specialist and dedicated Black & minoritised women’s organisations that work to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls. We deliver a unique package of support which includes: quality assurance; accredited training; capacity building and sustainability support to frontline Black and minoritised women’s organisations; and facilitation of space for community engagement and development.
The Benefits to working for Imkaan
Youll be using your skills to help end violence against women
and girls (VAWG) locally, nationally and internationallyYou can be your authentic self with us
You’ll be working with a dedicated, experienced team of
brilliant Black and minoritised feminist womenYou’ll be joining Imkaan at a time of growth
Pension scheme
Employee Assistance Programme
Flexible Working Policy
Coaching, Formal Supervision, and Training
Hybrid Working (great central London office location)
Free Office Parking (first come first served)