Policy Space
Welcome to the Imkaan policy space, progressing Black feminist policy making and transformational change in the ending violence against girls’ sector and beyond.
We believe in meaningful policy making that is grounded in collectivist movement building, intersectionality, human rights and is responsive to the impact of social and political changes.
Imkaan’s policy work builds on over two decades of Imkaan’s policy making, strategic influence and research which has always centred the voices of our members and the lived, material experiences of Black and minoritised women and girls. Over the next few years, we will be rooting our work in three areas that are critical to ending violence against women and girls: Social Justice, Legal Justice and Housing Justice.
In our policy work Imkaan will be working from grassroots to strategic levels taking forward the concerns of our membership and creating spaces for engagement, participation, and movement building for Black and minoritised women who are working to end violence against women and girls. By platforming the voices and leadership of our members we are ensuring that Black and minoritised women and girls are at the forefront of our policy analysis and policy generation.
“As social conditions change, so must the knowledge and practices designed to resist them”
Patricia Hill Collins

Read our Blog
Upcoming events.
Throughout 2021-2022 we will be delivering a series of workshops, live briefings, seminars and events to consult with Black and minoritised women and girls and Imkaan members about the key policy concerns and issues that they face. This will be part of our Movement Building work bringing marginalised voices to the centre of policy work, strategic influence and strategy. These will be safe fully inclusive spaces and we will be using a hybrid of virtual and face to face events (subject to Covid-19 restrictions) to enable accessibility.
Get in touch
If you would like to get involved, attend our events or receive the latest Policy Unit news please sign up here
For any other queries please contact us at: policy@imkaan.org.uk