Executive Director Baljit Banga spoke at the 2021 international online WAVE Conference.

Today Imkaan’s Executive Director Baljit Banga spoke at the 2021 international online WAVE Conference ‘Breaking the cycle: preventing and tackling sexualised violence against women and children’. Baljit spoke on a panel of experts outlining her work developing intersectional frameworks that dispel the myths of the specialist Black and minoritised women’s sector as a ‘developing’ or ‘promising’ sector. Our member services provide a gold standard of quality and care for the women and children they support, we believe that their models of best practice make them leaders in the VAWG sector. 


“Levelling Up”: How do we regionally level up employment inequalities that Black and minoritised women face without investment in our sector?


Conservatives 2021 Conference: little financial commitment to intervention, prevention and the support of community-based specialist services